Iran: Aggressive repression on the inside – hostage diplomacy on the outside
Averting fates through political sponsorships
What does Transhumanism Mean for Human Rights?
The ancient story of Icarus vividly shows us what happens when technology develops faster than ethics.
Myanmar: Unidentified Gunmen Shoot Dead Courageous Baptist Pastor
In the city of Mogaung in Kachin State (Myanmar), unknown persons shot dead Baptist pastor Nammye Hkun Jaw Li on March 18, 2024.
Sudan: Can peace be achieved in Sudan?
Last year, the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) reported a dire humanitarian crisis in Sudan due to the ongoing conflict. A year later, the situation seems to have worsened.
Ghana: Solutions urgently needed for Liberian refugees in Buduburam camp
At four o'clock in the morning on February 27, people in the Buduburam refugee camp in Ghana were woken up from sleep by bulldozers.
Pakistan: Defending Against Blasphemy Accusations
Given the circumstances, things turned out relatively well for the Pakistani Christian Younis Masih. Accusations of blasphemy were made against him.