Buduburam Refugee Camp

Emergency Update Buduburam Refugee Camp

We are facing a dire situation at the Liberia Camp in Buduburam, Ghana. The worsening conditions have compelled us to reach out to you for immediate action.

As the situation deteriorates, the camp coordinator has issued a distressing message: our food reserves are rapidly depleting, and medical conditions are escalating. We cannot sit idly by as our fellow human beings suffer.

In response to this urgent call for assistance, we are convening an emergency webinar to shed light on the gravity of the situation. It is imperative that we inform the global public and alert decision-makers to the pressing need for intervention.

Join us as we discuss the challenges faced by the residents of the Liberia Camp and explore potential solutions to alleviate their suffering. Your participation could make a significant difference in the lives of those in need.

Date: May 2 2024

Time: 16:00 CET


Together, let’s raise awareness and mobilize support to ensure that aid reaches those who need it most. Your solidarity and action are crucial in this critical moment.

Please spread the word and register for the webinar to join the effort in addressing this humanitarian crisis.

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